I've said this in many private responses; so maybe I'll share it more publicly. If I met Mr. New at a local church function and he expressed interest in getting acquainted, I would not require him to start emailing or texting me. Nor would I waste my time or his chatting on the phone.
There is just no legitimate way to represent yourself truthfully to another person except . . . in person. I invested for quite a long time in a long distance relationship by email; and the image I built up in my mind about this very nice Christian man was just nothing like the person I eventually met. That's not his fault. It's just an inherent flaw of internet fellowshipping.
So, in my humble opinion, Single Christian men should be clear in their online profile about how and if they intend to arrange a long distance meet if they express interest in someone more than an hour or two away round trip. Single Christian women need to think about how to arrange for that publicly and safely. If you are online to pursue a serious relationship, things need to move into "real dating" with "real people" . . . real soon.