As I, too, struggle to be the 'face of Jesus' to each man, woman, and child God weave into each new day, my heart goes out to you, Sister, in true empathy for the heartbreaking frustration you are experiencing with this difficult person. My difficult one is a child of four.
I know. How pitiful that a child of four can so completely defeat a full grown woman of God on a daily basis. My progress in this new relationship took a huge leap forward in my heart, however, when God tersely pointed out last week that four year old 'Freddie' is a gift from God, who gives only good gifts to His children. In a flash, it dawned on me that no one in my life makes me examine my true emotional state, my patience, my unconditional regard, my pride, faster than defiant, furious four year old Freddie.
It is my heart's desire -- in moments of joyful worship where my strength is renewed -- to be the Face of Jesus to Freddie. It is my greatest struggle, amid the chaos of civilizing fifteen other four year olds, to fan that desire into to action fifty times a day. On a good day, I get to five. Then my human supply of mercy usually runs out; and I end up being the stern Face of the Referee, meting our Justice one full blown, rage filled time out after another. Ironically, I'm actually wise enough to know that voluntary time out only works with kids who fear authority or wish to appease the Referee. Freddie, of course, is not one of them.
Such is a marriage or a courtship in turmoil. I can only plead with you, as I believe the Holy Spirit pleads with me . . . Whatever else you choose, do not be the one who turns your back on a relationship God has brought into your life. Gods first and primary purpose for woman was to be the 'helpmeet' for man.
Translated from the original Hebrew, this would in English mean that God's first and primary purpose for women is to be a face to face' for men. To be the Face of God for her mate. To be the Face of God to children.
Even if you must separate physically from someone harmful, preserve an opportunity for reconciliation tomorrow by choosing, through the power of God's Holy Spirit, a heart attitude of mercy today. It is the greatest act of gratitude daughters can do for Abba Father, who once turned His Holy back on His own Perfect Son so that we may have His Mercies new every day.
It is my heart's desire -- in moments of joyful worship where my strength is renewed -- to be the Face of Jesus to Freddie. It is my greatest struggle, amid the chaos of civilizing fifteen other four year olds, to fan that desire into to action fifty times a day. On a good day, I get to five. Then my human supply of mercy usually runs out; and I end up being the stern Face of the Referee, meting our Justice one full blown, rage filled time out after another. Ironically, I'm actually wise enough to know that voluntary time out only works with kids who fear authority or wish to appease the Referee. Freddie, of course, is not one of them.
Such is a marriage or a courtship in turmoil. I can only plead with you, as I believe the Holy Spirit pleads with me . . . Whatever else you choose, do not be the one who turns your back on a relationship God has brought into your life. Gods first and primary purpose for woman was to be the 'helpmeet' for man.
Translated from the original Hebrew, this would in English mean that God's first and primary purpose for women is to be a face to face' for men. To be the Face of God for her mate. To be the Face of God to children.
Even if you must separate physically from someone harmful, preserve an opportunity for reconciliation tomorrow by choosing, through the power of God's Holy Spirit, a heart attitude of mercy today. It is the greatest act of gratitude daughters can do for Abba Father, who once turned His Holy back on His own Perfect Son so that we may have His Mercies new every day.