The word of God does indeed taste as sweet as chocolate covered carmel popcorn today. Here's my personalization of some verses he illuminated for me today from John 1 and 2 .
Triune God IS light . . . illumination. He IS holiness, purity. In Triune God, there is no evil, falseness, darkness, or obscurity.
If I say that I am cultivating a loving relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but I make decisions and speak and act day after day as any other unbeliever, I deceive myself. If I say, "I have no willful disobedience (sin)", I also deceive myself; the truth is not in me. If, on the other hand, I hand over my faults and failures (sins), God is trustworthy and sure to pardon them. If I say that I have not offended God (by offending others?) I make Triune God a liar; and his Eternal Intelligence is not in me.
My precious daughter, these things are written to you so that you will not willfully disobey. When you do, however, you have One -- Jesus Christ -- who comes forward to speak on your behalf when you face judgement from your Heavenly Father. You have One -- Jesus Christ -- who is able to encourage you, who helps you, who pleads on your behalf. Jesus is your Reconciler, your Appeaser, your Everlasting Relationship Restorer . . . and not just yours . . . but every other brother's and sister's in the family of God as well. Therefore, if you say today, "I am holy and pure as God is holy and pure" and yet hurt or harm or hate another Christian brother or sister, you are blinded by your own ignorance.
How do I know that I know this Jesus? If I carry out His orders! If I say I know Him (LORD) and refuse to carry out His orders, I am a traitor. Whoever chooses this day to carry out God's orders is His true soldier and possesses the mature, sacrificial, Agape love of Triune God.
So, precious daughter, cease from indulging yourself in and devoting yourself to the endless desires of the body and and of everything you see in this world. FAST! Surrender your self-righteous and self-serving heart attitudes, your 'braggadocio', your 'claim to fame'. These are all insignificant when exposed to the unimaginable joy of living eternally with the Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
Live hand in hand with Jesus, precious child, so that when He comes again He will be proud to call you HIS Jewell, a true servant and a royal daughter of the King of Kings.
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