Oh Dear, Abba ~
How revealing this first fasting attempt has turned out to be! No let me be more transparent . . . It was a disaster.
Do we commemorate everything on the calendar
And when did I become a NIBBLER? I'm constantly putting something in my mouth, even when I'm not the least big hungry. It's entertainment!
Speaking of which, Dear Readers . . . remember my prayerful vow to my Heavently Father about television? When did THAT become an automatic environmental necessity? Because I work nights and days (one or the other or both) six or seven days a week, I'm not home much. But as soon as I get into my cozy, safe haven, the FIRST thing I do after I put my purse down is jab the button on my TV. I even sleep with it on! {poorly, He adds}
Is this the value of a 'first fast'? To discover what an unconsciously carnal Christian I've let myself become?
Well, Dear Abba, if revealing all this has some value to You, then do I have a new Book of Revelations to run by You . . . {sigh}
By the way, Dear Readers, in spite of this total failure, I was totally and magically blessed by the Triune God who imagineered one of the loveliest and fullest early birthdays I've ever had on His planet. And, happily for me, He recruited a lot of humble help from the future Pilot of Universe One.
{God's Extra Best, MTBBF ~ Montana wins . . . again.}
My Dear Val,
God does not want you to Literally "Kill" your body. What He wants is a Sacrifice.
Fasting from Sunrise to Sunset is quite a Sacrifice and I am sure would Please God.
Carring Longer would need Help from God Himself (Graces).
Just my opinion.
And I haven't even been able to manage that yet . . . so sad. Thank you for your concern :}
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